

  • Ensure that sucked-in air can flow unobstructed through the filtering system to the vacuum cleaner.
  • Prevent, at all times, any hindrance or restriction to the airflow.
  • The airflow can, for instance, be obstructed or limited by a (partial) blockage in the hose and/or the hose nozzle. Also, the airflow can be excessively restricted when air is being drawn through a dust port that is too small and/or a nozzle that is too small while the vacuum cleaner is running at full power. The recommendation is to run the vacuum cleaner at a lower speed for smaller dust ports/nozzles (inner diameter smaller than 32mm). If that’s not possible, a nozzle with a variable air inlet can also be used. This allows external air to be drawn in, reducing the negative pressure in the dustbin. When used correctly, the dustbin of all our filtering systems will not dent.
  • Avoid the suction of hot materials. Previously collected dust, including (but not limited to) wood chips, can ignite when in contact with hot materials. For example (but not limited to) tasks where iron filings are being sucked up immediately after being generated and are thus hot.
  • Avoid from suctioning flammable substances and vapors, including (but not limited to) combustible gases, oil, alcohol, and solvents. Also, avoid suctioning materials that have absorbed flammable substances, which could still pose a fire hazard.
  • Avoid suctioning carcinogenic substances if a suitable HEPA filter is not installed.
  • Regularly empty the dustbin and do not leave any flammable materials in it after use. Some types of dust can dry out over time, making them more prone to ignition.